Nestled within the vibrant Turner Pavilion, a space usually reserved for Harrisonburg’s bustling weekly Farmer's Market, a remarkable transformation occurred. Instead of rows of fresh vegetables and tempting local treats, an array of global flavors emerged, courtesy of Harrisonburg's finest local restaurants. Since its inception in 2018, Harrisonburg Virginia’s Downtown Dinner Party has become a cherished tradition, captivating the palates of locals and visitors alike. As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance (HDR), it's only fitting to honor this milestone with an unforgettable evening filled with delicious delights. more
Get ready for a new movement to build Downtown Harrisonburg as a destination where dog-friendly businesses thrive and pets enjoy memorable experiences! On this twentieth anniversary year, we are delighted to announce a new focus for the future of Downtown Harrisonburg: developing programs and events that are dog-forward as well as welcoming new dog-focused businesses to the Downtown Harrisonburg community. We look forward to working on this new focus to make Harrisonburg known nationally as "The Dog-Friendly City." more
Happy Valentine's Day! As part of our twentieth-anniversary celebration at Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance, we invited the community to share their love stories (romantic, platonic, family, etc.) that feature Downtown Harrisonburg. We LOVED reading everyone's stories and have shared some of our favorites on Facebook and Instagram. Check out the full collection of stories below, and prepare to feel warm and fuzzy. more