Donate as a Community Member

When you support the downtown that you love, the impact will be felt for years to come.

Donations of $50 or more can receive a special edition coaster with one of the “H” logos.

Donate as a Downtown Business Owner

We support all Downtown Harrisonburg businesses through our work, but we do provide some special perks for businesses who support us as well!

New Business Friends: $100 First Donation
Nonprofits and Microbusinesses: $100 Annual Donation
Renewing Business Friends: $250 Annual Donation

HDR is not a membership organization and promotion of downtown businesses and participating in our programs is not exclusive to Friends; however, we do have some perks Downtown Business Owners:

  • Eligible to participate in our Downtown Dollars downtown-wide gift certificate program. Your business will be listed online as well as on the flyer that is included with every certificate sold so customers know they can spend them with you.
  • Eligible for inclusion in our annual holiday gift guide (the printed DNR insert and digital guide) and can receive free professional photographs of your merchandise.
  • Eligible to participate in all Taste of Downtown promotions, including the annual Downtown Dining Guide. 
  • Eligible to enter a float for free in the annual Veterans Day parade.
  • Eligible for candy for trick or treating during our annual Skeleton Fest.
  • Prioritized in content development, newsletter content, social media campaigns and posts, and media pitches.
  • Eligible to participate in the Sip and Stroll license during applicable events.
  • Listed as donors on our website and in our annual report.

Tax Information

The amount of the contribution that is deductible for tax purposes is limited to the excess of any money contributed by the donor over the value of goods or services provided by the charity.  Please consult your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of your contribution. Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance has been approved by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.

$1 HDR Gift

Learn about the impact HDR has on the downtown community:

Hear from Downtown businesses about why they Back the Burg & how having HDR in their corner has made a difference: