Grace holds a B.A. in Hospitality Tourism Management and International Studies from Purdue University and brings to the team over 10 years of diverse hospitality leadership experience. It only took volunteering at Winter Wonderfest with HDR, for Grace to know that being a part of a nonprofit with this meaningful mission of supporting downtown is exactly where she wanted to work. more
Eleanor Weber is currently a senior at James Madison University, graduating in December 2021 with a B.S. in Anthropology and a minor in Public Policy and Administration. At JMU, she has worked as a news writer for The Breeze, served as an executive member in her sorority, and interned with the Lisanby Museum and Madison Arts Collection. She's interned at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, the Mariners Museum, and TowneBank in past summers. When she is not working for HDR, you can find Eleanor spending time exploring downtown Harrisonburg with friends, or painting and creating. She loves the community Harrisonburg has created, and the unique things there are to do in the city. more
Kate Harwood is currently a rising senior at James Madison University, double majoring in Communication Studies and Media Arts and Design. She served JMU as a 2020 Orientation Peer Adviser and is currently a member of the JMU Speech Team. When she is not working for HDR, you can find Kate hiking throughout the Shenandoah Valley or spending quality time with friends in the local coffee shops downtown. She adores the unique atmosphere and creatively collaborative nature of Downtown Harrisonburg. There is truly no place like The Friendly City. more
Emily Winter is a double Duke, graduating from James Madison University with both a B.A. and M.A. in Communication Studies. With her previous role at JMU X-Labs, she partnered with several downtown businesses to develop and market engaging workshops and large-scale events. more
Jennifer grew up in Harrisonburg and had the opportunity to watch Downtown Harrisonburg grow and evolve into what it is now. She holds a B.A. in Communications and Conflict from the University of Central Florida in Orlando. After living in Florida for 5 years, she made the decision to move back to Harrisonburg and is very glad she did! more
Andrea has extensive experience in Main Street revitalization and community-based economic development. For 10 years, she worked for the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Main Street Center where she helped lead and inspire a nationwide downtown revitalization movement. She specialized in researching and analyzing revitalization best practices and trends and providing technical assistance and resources to Main Street programs throughout the U.S. more