Cider & a good book, what could be better?
Book Club Meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of each month, from 8-9pm.
Book Talks & Social: book club members will read books in 3 month cycles (1 book a month). The final month of each cycle will have a Reading Cocktail Party with a themed cocktail!
Cycle 1: October, November, December
-October 5 Meeting: Meet fellow readers & hear some Book Talks by Kayla from Massanutten Regional Library! Then vote on which books you want to read for the quarter.
-Read first book in October, Read second book in November, enjoy a celebratory Cocktail Party in December
-MRL will bring available copies of book to the October meeting for Sage & Page members to checkout (& signup for a library card)
-October 5 Extended Happy Hour deals for anyone who signs up for a library card 7-8pm at Sage Bird!
Following Reading Cycles: January, February, March April, May, June July, August, September