<p>Get a team together for weekly pub trivia from Geeks Who Drink every week from 8-10pm at Pale Fire! Free to play and winning teams get cool prizes.</p> more
Grab a nightcap and enjoy the Queen City Porch Swingers at Sage Bird Saturday January 25 7pm-10pm. more
<p>Play SINGO at Pale Fire! It’s Bingo with a musical spin and you can play every Thursday for FREE! Instead of listening for a number, players are listening to song clips of “the good parts” of popular songs. Sing along (if you like!) and match song titles on your SINGO card.</p> more
<p>Get a team together for weekly pub trivia from Geeks Who Drink every week from 8-10pm at Pale Fire! Free to play and winning teams get cool prizes.</p> more
Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance is excited to announce its upcoming Independence Day Fireworks show on Saturday, July 5 at 9 PM. This show is not one to be missed! Bring your family and friends to witness the stunning colors and awe-inspiring explosions lighting up the night sky. more
Enjoy a FREE downtown-wide summer festival with music, entertainment, and activities for all ages around every corner! From magicians and art markets to Sip & Stroll and live music, during Best.Weekend.Ever. the streets will close so people can roam with a drink in their hand and enjoy a wide variety of entertainment, local arts, and family-friendly activities all day. more
<p>Play SINGO at Pale Fire! It’s Bingo with a musical spin and you can play every Thursday for FREE! Instead of listening for a number, players are listening to song clips of “the good parts” of popular songs. Sing along (if you like!) and match song titles on your SINGO card.</p> more
<p>Get a team together for weekly pub trivia from Geeks Who Drink every week from 8-10pm at Pale Fire! Free to play and winning teams get cool prizes.</p> more
<p>Play SINGO at Pale Fire! It’s Bingo with a musical spin and you can play every Thursday for FREE! Instead of listening for a number, players are listening to song clips of “the good parts” of popular songs. Sing along (if you like!) and match song titles on your SINGO card.</p> more
<p>Get a team together for weekly pub trivia from Geeks Who Drink every week from 8-10pm at Pale Fire! Free to play and winning teams get cool prizes.</p> more